Women's Cancer Coalition PAC 

A 527 Political Organization

The Women's Cancer Coalition PAC, an initiative of WCC24 PAC, is a non-party political organization(not a charity) established and regulated under section 527 of the tax code. Our goal is to advocate for the election of Lawmakers that fight for more federal funding for research and treatment of this deadly disease.

The Women's Cancer Coalition Political Action Committee is committed to advocating and raising awareness about various forms of cancer and pushing for more federal funding for research and treatment, along with urging elected officials to support particular related policies.


Some of the cancers that most often affect women are breast, colorectal, endometrial, lung, cervical, skin, and ovarian cancers. Knowing about these cancers and what you can do to help prevent them or find them early (when they are small, haven't spread, and might be easier to treat) may help save your life.

To be a cancer advocate means that you’re raising awareness about the disease and asking for federal funding for research and treatment, or urging elected officials to support a particular policy. There are lots of ways to be an advocate—in person meetings with your elected officials, on social media, via a letter to Congress or to your newspaper editor, or even a trip to Capitol Hill.

To reach our goals we need your help

Help us Make a Difference, Register to Vote, Volunteer, Write your Elected Official

Bi-partisan congressional leaders responded to our call to action and reintroduced the Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventive Services Act of 2021 (S.699 and H.R.1800) which draws an urgently needed bright light on the disparate impact lung cancer has on women.

The legislation directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to conduct an interagency review to evaluate the status of, and identify opportunities related to:

We must amplify our efforts to make our voices heard and raise awareness. Together, we can demonstrate our strong commitment to positive change for the lung cancer community

Contact Us

  Email us at Info@WomensCancerPAC.org

WCC24PAC - Women's Cancer Coalition 

3301 Richmond Hwy. #1289

Alexandria, VA 22305

Our mission is to raise awareness about cancer legislation and to encourage people to take action. We believe that everyone has a right to access quality healthcare and that no one should suffer from cancer alone. Our calling campaign aims to inform and empower individuals to make their voices heard and advocate for policy changes that benefit cancer patients and their families.

Through our outreach efforts, we hope to engage people and to inspire them to take action by contacting their elected representatives, signing petitions, and participating in advocacy efforts. We also believe that our calling campaign can make a real difference in the lives of cancer patients by raising funds to advocate for vital research, patient support services, and other critical initiatives.

To achieve our mission, we rely on the generosity of donors like you. Your contributions help us reach more people and have a greater impact in the fight against cancer. We invite you to join us in this important work by making a contribution today and supporting our calling campaign. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for cancer patients and their families.


As a 527 Political Organization we advocate for women that have been diagnosed with lung cancer by informing voters of these needs and asking them to take action. This is our only purpose, we do not give money or financial support to any person or cancer organization as we are not a charity. We also do not in any way give money or directly coordinate with any candidates or elected officials as that would be a violation of federal law based on our 527 status. Any contribution to our organization is not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. A large portion of proceeds received by our organization are used to help cover the costs of fundraising which include but are not limited to telemarketing, printing, postage, etc...

A Letter from our Treasurer

Dear Friend,

I am writing to you today with a heavy heart to share my story of losing my wife of over 30 years to lung cancer. Watching her suffer through the pain and trauma of cancer was the most heart-wrenching experience of my life. She was my soulmate, my partner, my best friend, and watching her fade away was a nightmare that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

But I'm not writing this letter just to tell you about my loss. I'm writing to you because I believe that advocating for legislation and federal funding for cancer research and treatment can make a difference in the lives of people with cancer. It's too late for my wife, but it's not too late for others who are suffering from this disease.

I've seen firsthand the impact that cancer has on families and communities. It's not just the physical toll it takes on the person with cancer, but the emotional and financial toll it takes on their loved ones. It's devastating, and it's not something that anyone should have to go through.

That's why I'm asking you to join me in advocating for legislation and federal funding for cancer research and treatment. By investing in research, we can better understand the causes of cancer and develop new and effective treatments and therapies. By prioritizing prevention efforts, we can help reduce the number of people who develop cancer in the first place.

I know that it can be easy to feel helpless in the face of a disease like cancer, but advocating for change can make a difference. It can save lives, prevent suffering, and bring hope to families who are going through a difficult time.

So I urge you to take action today. Contact your elected officials and ask them to support legislation that would increase federal funding for cancer research and treatment. Support organizations that are working to raise awareness about cancer and provide support to people and families affected by this disease. Every action counts, and every effort can make a difference.

Thank you for your time and attention. I hope that you will consider joining me in this important cause.


Mike Simpson