Be An Advocate
To be a cancer advocate means that you’re raising awareness about the disease and asking for federal funding for research and treatment, or urging elected officials to support a particular policy. There are lots of ways to be an advocate—in person meetings with your elected officials, on social media, via a letter to Congress or to your newspaper editor, or even a trip to Capitol Hill.
It is easier than you think to take your message straight to our nation’s policy makers. Take an advocacy action by sending an email, tweet or snail mail to your Senator or Congressman. One of the best ways to shine a light on women's cancer is by sharing your personal story and only you can do that.
The Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus is seeking members in both the House and the Senate to make it a stronger bipartisan and bicameral caucus. Please ask your Representative and Senators to join!
Use our Sample Letter Below:
Dear Senator or Congressman
Subject: Support Lung Cancer Patients by Joining the Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus
As a constituent impacted by lung cancer, I would like you to demonstrate your support for my issues by joining the Bipartisan Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus, this year. If you have already joined-thank you!
The Caucus has convened cancer leaders, advocates and Congressional and government staffers for the "State of Lung Cancer" Congressional Briefing Series; to provide education on research, early detection and treatments advancements. Through these educational activities on Capitol Hill, the Caucus will help to raise awareness and inform Members of Congress and their staff on issues related to stigma, reducing mortality, furthering research and ensuring equitable access to preventive screening, treatments, and new breakthroughs.
The Caucus is seeking members in both the House and the Senate to make it a stronger bipartisan and bicameral caucus. As you review this request here are some facts to consider:
• Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among men and women within every racial and ethnic group in every state nationwide.
• In 2023, an estimated 238,340 people (117,550 men and 120,790 women) will be diagnosed with lung cancer, and 127,070 people will die from the disease.
• Patients with lung cancer have a five-year survival rate just over 22%, which is still an exceptionally low rate due to an overarching stigma and lack of improved early detection and treatment options.
Lung cancer impacts, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and friends. Working together with the Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus, you can make a difference. Please consider doing your part
I look forward to receiving your support.
Contact your U.S. Representative:
Identify and contact your U.S. Representative
Call your representative via the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.
Contact your U.S. Senator:
Information about how to contact your U.S. Senators can be found at
Call your representative via the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.
Below is a message I sent to my Senator on April 14th, 2023
I urge you to write your Senator and ask that they to support legislation that will prioritize this issue
Dear Senator Rick Scott,
I am writing to you today as a widower who has experienced firsthand the devastating impact of cancer on my family. Losing my beloved spouse to this disease was a heart-wrenching experience that I would not wish on anyone.
As someone who has been directly affected by cancer, I urge you to advocate for legislation and federal funding to support cancer research, prevention, and treatment. Cancer is a disease that affects millions of people across the United States every year, and it is critical that we prioritize finding effective treatments and cures for this devastating illness.
Funding for cancer research has already led to significant progress in the fight against cancer, but there is still much more work to be done. We need more resources and support to continue making progress and find new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat all types of cancer.
I urge you to support legislation that would increase federal funding for cancer research, prevention, and treatment. We need to invest in research to better understand the causes of cancer and develop new treatments and therapies that can save lives. We also need to prioritize prevention efforts that can help reduce the number of people who develop cancer in the first place.
I believe that by working together and prioritizing this issue, we can make a significant difference in the fight against cancer. I hope you will take action to support this critical cause and help ensure that future generations do not have to suffer the same losses and heartache that my family has experienced.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Mike Simpson
Automated Confirmation: Senator Rick Scott <>
Senator Rick Scott is proud to represent every citizen of Florida. Thank you for contacting Senator Rick Scott’s office. This email serves as confirmation that we have received your online submission.
Please do not reply to this email. In order to contact our office again, please return to our website.
For updates from Senator Rick Scott, we encourage you to follow @SenRickScott on Twitter.
Thank you
Response received on April 26th, 2023
Dear Mr. Simpson,
Thank you for contacting me. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on issues important to you.
Throughout my time as Governor of Florida, I fought every day to create a better life for Florida families. Growing up in a family that did not have a lot of money, I watched my parents struggle to find work and provide for our family. My childhood taught me the value of a good job and I have carried that mindset with me throughout my life. My goal as Governor, and now as U.S. Senator is to make Florida the best state in the nation to find a great job, live in a safe community, and receive a world-class education so every family has the opportunity to succeed.
Over the past four years serving as your U.S. Senator, I have seen firsthand the dysfunction that runs rampant through the halls of Congress. I am fighting every day to change Washington and make it work better for families in Florida and across our great nation. Whether it’s working to establish term limits for members of Congress, lowering the cost of healthcare for American families, protecting those with pre-existing conditions and the unborn, or promoting transparency for American consumers, I will always fight to make Washington work for the American people.
I will carefully and thoughtfully review each piece of legislation and nomination I vote on, and will keep your views in mind as I do so.
Again, thank you for your correspondence. I am proud to represent every citizen in Florida and I appreciate the time you took to provide your position on this matter. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.
Rick Scott
United States Senator